Technologies That Lead to A Digital Revolution

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

A substantial digital revolution is taking place all over the world. Innovation, agility, and market development are all accelerated by technological advancements.

The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated digitization and automation, allowing companies to remain resilient even in adversity. Many businesses adopted disruptive technologies and modified their business models.

The pandemic’s effect will be felt for a long time, and the digital transition will continue.  If businesses do not keep up with technological trends, it will be challenging to overcome the error. Advanced technology will continue to change our lives and the way we operate, opening up enormous opportunities for businesses worldwide.

Let’s look at some technology developments so that everyone knows what to look for, adopt, and take with them.

1.Artificial Intelligence (AI)  

Artificial Intelligence has made a lot of hype over the last decade. Still, it remains one of the leading emerging technology developments because its significant impacts on how we live, work, and play are still in their inception. 

AI is now well-known for its presence in image and speech recognition, ride-sharing apps, mobile personal assistants, navigation apps, and various other applications.

Besides that, Artificial Intelligence is to investigate interactions to discover previously undetected connections and assess facility demand in real-time to allocate resources and identify dynamic patterns among consumers.

Machine Learning, a subset of AI, is used in a wide range of industries, resulting in a surge in the market for skilled workers.

2.5G and enhanced connectivity  

Faster and more stable internet means more than only loading webpages faster and spending less time waiting for YouTube videos to load. From 3G onwards, each advancement of mobile connectivity has opened up new internet use cases. 

As bandwidths expanded, 3G enabled online access and data-driven services on mobile devices; 4G enabled the increase of streaming video and music platforms; and 5G, likewise, would expand what is possible.

5G refers to networks that use cutting-edge technology, including augmented reality and virtual reality.

They also threaten to render cable and fiber-based networks obsolete by requiring us to be tethered to a specific location.

In a nutshell, 5G and other advanced, high-speed networks allow all of the other trends we’ve discussed to be accessed anywhere, at any time. 

Complex machine learning applications that require real-time access to Big Data sources can be automated and run in the field.

3. Edge computing 

Edge computing is a new technology that ensures low latency and high-speed data processing. Edge Computing allows computations to be carried out closer to data storage systems, improving application performance. 

Cloud platforms’ high bandwidth costs can act as a motivator for edge computing adoption.

The technology aims to run fewer processes in the cloud and transfer them to places like the user’s computer or an edge server. 

Bridging the gap between data and computation eliminates long-distance communication between the server and the client, resulting in increased process speed. 

Therefore, edge computing used to handle time-sensitive data stored in remote areas with minimal access to the central location. Cloud computing and IoT applications would benefit from the technology.