For a competent Digitized Paradigm Shift a swifter Infrastructure momentum propels out to boost it in long run


Its undoubtedly became inevitable for the Digitalized shift to power all arenas. All the enterprises as well as firms have all the visionary power for making these paradigm shifts as well as to steady and be on the go to handle any unexpected events.

This transformation within the tech savvy era is not unknown, as the systems are thriving for upgrading them with better progressive technology for fitting them with the ever-shifting client mindset.

In fact, numerous enterprises have revved up their transformational shift pattern, looking out for perfect solutions for enablement of various shifts. These resolutions may also look perfect most of the times, however, many groundworks required to be performed before they could be manageable.

Russia is one of the primary implementing nations of technology, with mobile penetration around 70% since 2010, as well as cyberspace penetration mounting from some 40% in initial 2010’s to over 80% the preceding year.

Therefore, innovators always are essential to be alert and stay ahead of the trends. At the same time, ICT administrations are compulsory to stay prepared with robust infrastructure in order to get secured and attain positive outcome and distribute all aids to the related parties in the alteration.

Tech willingness for transformation

Jet Infosystems, a foremost ICT establishment in Russia, has been enthusiastically bringing in all kinds of obligatory solutions to enterprises to ease the variations. One of the state-of-the-art big changes is to overhaul its own IT infrastructure to ensure it takes maintenance of the current solutions caring to evolving economy.

This is a complex process which comprises of a series of large-scale internal IT projects, such as the formation of a supplementary data centre, the transmission of all systems to a private cloud, movement to new campuses and Wi-Fi networks, and the submission of a unified communications system. The whole process would necessitate unified workflow evolution into new technological solutions.

Huawei’s solutions and professional services is part of the foundation to make this thought-provoking project possible, as the universal leading ICT firm operative in tremendously competently and any issues that do arise — regardless of difficulty, topographical distance, or time difference — are usually handled within just two days.

Sergey Andronov, Director of the Jet Infosystems Network Solutions Centre, stated that: “Now, having the project implemented in our own company as a success story, we have refined the technological infrastructure, with everything specialized and segmented, so that we can quickly ‘mirror’ the solution for any customer with the necessary adjustments, thus reducing the time of any implementations.”

This in turn highlighted the reputation of agility and time management in which Huawei has made the whole process as seamless as possible.

Expert solutions to sustenance of various industries

Huawei’s expertise has been well operated for many of Jet Infosystems’ vital clients from diverse industries, where many projects involving construction, innovation, and adaptation of branched networks according to the necessity of specific administrations have been going on with the sustenance of Huawei’s software and hardware solutions.

These solutions include roles shifting more than 10,000 workforces of the third-largest bank in Russia over to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). Another set of tools wander airport express railway operator Aeroexpress to the SAP HANA database management system.

Vladimir Eliseev, CEO of Jet Infosystems stated further that “Huawei is not just a producer, but also a highly efficient and well-developed company that grows at a rapid-fire pace.”

He also further added that: “Any project using Huawei equipment not only receives financial benefits and convenience from working with the most powerful IT-complexes, but also long-term investment in the Russian IT market, and an intellectual contribution to the digitalization of the country’s economy.”

When Agility matters

Dexterity is predominantly imperative for both renovating enterprises and solutions providers amid the inevitable digital evolution.

Earlier within the year 2012, Huawei was on track being occupied with Jet Infosystems to shape the obligatory infrastructure to ease a nationwide payment card system within a brief period of time post a series of variations in the financial landscape forcing Russia to run such system at the earliest.

The time limitation has posed trials to both Jet Infosystems and its partner Huawei, where the Russian firm was provided to create a disaster-resilient IT substructure for the nation’s initial national card payment system from scratch.

The project involved at least two brand new data centres, which were fully established with specific solutions, operating simulations for the design, delivery, installation, and ordering of the IT infrastructure that were obligatory for the pressing variations of the financial market in the country.

To cope with the roadblocks, Huawei introduced many ground-breaking practices diverse from those in Russian conventional market. To ensure the smooth evolution and fruitful outcome, Huawei owed the processors obligatory directly from its reserves – a move that proved to be instrumental to the project’s success as it vastly cut project delivery times from weeks or months to just days.

This project was also reinforced by designated experts and staff from Huawei, provided that agile retorts to all kinds of issues involving critical network configuration, new patches and further adjustments on the systems, etc.