Web3 Innovator dropplabs enters partnership with UC Berkley’s Tech Club Launchpad


Web3’s innovator operating system startup, droppLabs recently announced entering a partnership with UC Berkeley’s Launchpad to develop innovative Web3 technology and solutions that will be incorporated into droppLabs product offerings.

droppLabs claims to have dedicated its substantial resources and networks to creating experiential learning and entrepreneurial skill-building for Launchpad students. The Launchpad team’s core competencies in machine learning and artificial intelligence complement droppLabs’ established and innovative ML/AI tech stack.

Launchpad is an organization at UC Berkeley that tackles problems in machine learning and shares its knowledge with the community through events and workshops. Every semester, Launchpad works with select clients to solve real-world machine learning challenges with industry professionals. UC Berkeley has a long tradition of cultivating top technical talent including Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple.

Through various research endeavors, the partnership will harness collective knowledge and skills to further amplify droppLab’s machine learning offerings and challenge the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

Joe Sticca, dropp’s Chief Product Officer stated “We are thrilled to be working with such a talented group and prestigious institution. We are excited to tap into the minds of the Launchpad collective. These young engineers and scientists have tremendous problem-solving skills. Together we will utilize cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate a unique value for droppLabs and Launchpad’s students.”

Lucy Liu, Launchpad’s President stated”At Launchpad, we strive to build creative, intelligent solutions. We are incredibly excited for this opportunity to work with droppLabs to deliver a great impact to the wider community. droppLabs is pioneering a new space in the Web3 world and we are thrilled to be part of the journey.”
